Monday, January 7, 2008


The other day, my Healthy Dad talks to me about "Cleansing the Body".

I asked, "What is the End Result of using a Cleanse System on my body?"

"Good health is a journey. We want good health to enjoy and endless variety of enhanced life and vitality, clear thoughts, radiant skin & hair, bright eyes, heightened enthusiasm and boundless energy. Important to put good thing into your body and get the bad stuff out. By focusing on the epicenter of our bodies - the digestive and detoxifying systems and making them clean and working smoothly, then we can absorb all the wonderful nutrients and nourishment available to us." says Healthy Dad.

Healthy Dad talks about "Current Reality"

I asked, "What happens if we don't cleanse?"

Below we can see an example of a healthy colon and a sick colon. A high-fat, low-fiber diet can lead to toxic build-up, the formation of obstructions and pockets, and narrowing of the colon.

Healthy Dad explains, "Many of our day-to-day ailments are caused by toxic build-up in our digestive tracts. If your digestive tract isn't operating properly, then it can make your body even more toxic by self-poisoning or auto-intoxification."

I asked, "Why do we get toxic...or why do we need to cleanse?"

Healthy Dad explains, "Did you know?.....that according to the American Digestive Health Foundation, at least 40 million suffer from chronic digestive diseases that impact their lifestyle. Women are more likely than men to suffer from certain gastrointestinal illnesses and are equally affected by colon cancer, the most deadly digestive disease."

Colon cancer

Healthy Dad talks about "Reasons cleasing the body is beneficial to our health"

  • 1000% of cubic feet air we breath every day from the outside is full of environmental pullutants.
  • Overuse of antibiotics further adds to this problem as it can interfere with normal intestinal flora and lower the body's resistance - thse can be anti-biotics we take ourselves or from animal protein, including hormones.
  • Poor eating and nutrition, eating late at night, not enough water, and not enough exercise causes sluggish elimination.
  • Parasites are now a common occurence and it is estimated that more than 1.5 billion people have round worms, making it the third most common human infection in the world. It is extremely easy to come into contact with parasites - cleansing will remove these parasites.
  • Contaminated water, undercooked meats, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables are some of the common sources of infections.
  • Transmission from pets or other infected persons is also a common wat to receive parasites.

Healthy Dad added "Some of the conditions attributed to a toxic system are;"

  • allergies
  • migraines *what do we usually do when we have headaches? Take an aspirin or panadol?
  • poor energy *i always feel lethargic*
  • poor circulation
  • premature aging *notice those little lines suddenly appeared on your face?*
  • weight gain *i put on weight easily*
  • sugar craving *always want to bite on something sweet*
  • brain fog
  • memory loss *i always blamed that i had bad memory*
  • sinusitis *hate it in the morning*
  • flatulence
  • bad breath *embarrasing ain't it?*
  • depression *sometimes tears just keep falling without any reason*
  • low blood sugar *faint*
  • bloating *hate big tummy*
  • poor elimination (less than 2-3 times per day) *a normal person should go to the toilet 2-3 times or more. How about constipated people?*
  • and much much more......

"The list goes on and on...using a cleanse system allows you to continue to love your pets, continue to work and play in our environment without a gas mark, and allow us to travel and not worry about always having our vegetables and fruits scrubbed!!!"

"A good example of the need to cleanse is to imagine the air filter in your house and what would happen if you don't clean it as the seasons changed?"

  • Or how much dirt and grime gathers on top of your fridge if you don't wipe it regularly?
  • How much crud builds up in your water filter when you don't clean it for awhile?
  • Or the example of vacumming your house with a broken hose which also has holes in it? It would blow the dirt and dust back into the house.

I still remember how much dirt that was in the air-conditioner filter when mom asked me to wash the other day when it was serviced only a month ago. It was really scary. I've never thought about the toxics inside my body like that before. Now that Healthy Dad drew a clearer picture on how much toxics are in my body. I definataly see why it is so important to do weekly and monthly cleansing of my body.

So I quickly asked Healthy Dad on where I should start.

Healthy Dad
wrote down a list on a paper. It says:

Actions Steps

Cleansing Pack - Clearstart

Complete 30 day cleansing program that combines 3 key steps in a complete cleansing solution. A solution that is very simple and efficient solution to the problems and health risks I have just mentioned when we are not aware of the importance of cleansing.

  • Paraway Plus : Herbal ingredients to remove parasites and harmful bacteria.
  • Nature's Tea : Works as a flushing tea to remove waste.

Paraway® Plus recommended use: For the first 10 days, take two capsules daily in the morning with a large glass of water. For the next 20 days, take four capsules daily in the morning with a large glass of water (not to exceed 5 capsules)

Nature’s Tea® recommended use: For ages 12 and up. Begin slowly. Steep one tea bag per cup for 2–5 minutes. Drink after evening meal. Increase steeping time gradually. Drink hot or cold. Not for long-term use.

Healthy Dad

Cleanse System with Dr.Peter Verdegem

Benzoyl Peroxide

Sick Dad
used to buy me Oxy lotion for my pimples. He said that it would kill the bacteria in the pimple. I tried using one time and I didn't to touch it again because it burned my pimples and the scars were so dark that it took years for the scars to lighten. Later, I found out that the main ingredient in Oxy lotion is
Benzoyl peroxide.

So I asked Healthy Dad what is Benzoyl peroxide and if there is any side effects. This is what Healthy Dad says:

- is a chemical in the organic peroxide family

Molecular Formula - (C6H5CO)2O2 or C14H10O4

One of the most commonly used ingredients,
Benzoyl peroxide can be very effective in treating mild cases of non-inflammatory acne. It’s safe for children as well as adults, and may combined with other topical or oral treatments.

*Note the word "safe", if there is side effects do you still call it safe for children or adults? If it is really safe then why sensitive skin people cannot use benzoyl peroxide?*


Benzoyl peroxide works by destroying P. acnes, the bacteria that causes the condition acne. It acts as an antiseptic and oxidizing agent, reducing the number of comedones, or blocked pores. It may be 2–3 weeks before you begin to see improvement.

NOTE: While benzoyl peroxide kills existing P. acnes, it does not increase your body’s natural resistance to bacteria. So even when your breakouts begin to disappear, you should keep treating acne-prone areas. Why? This course of acne treatment kills bacteria, but it does not affect sebum production or the rate at which you shed your dead skin cells. If you stop using it, the bacteria and your acne will return.

Benzoyl peroxide is available in a wide range of gels, creams, lotions and cleansers in non-prescription concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10%. It is also available in presciption medications such as BenzaClin®, Benzamycin®, and Duac™. As with any product, read the label carefully and follow the instructions for proper use.

*Note "read the label carefully and follow instructions for proper use", only products with chemicals will tell you to read instructions carefully because they don't want you to overdose and cause more side effects.*

Dryness: The most common side effect, dryness is usually mild. If the skin is visibly scaly, apply a light oil-free moisturizer.

NOTE: If you experience dryness, irritation or dermatitis and are using a 5% or 10% solution of benzoyl peroxide, you may want to give your skin some time to heal — then try a lower concentration.

Irritation: If you experience mild irritation, try decreasing the frequency of use. If irritation is severe or persists even with infrequent application, discontinue use.

Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis (red, dry, itchy skin) can be due to irritation or allergy. Discontinue use immediately and treat with a mild topical steroid, such as hydrocortisone cream (available in most drugstores).

Allergy: 1–2% of the population experiences a mild allergic reaction to benzoyl peroxide. This is usually characterized by itching and redness.

Bleaching of clothing: Benzoyl peroxide can bleach clothing and linens; make sure your skin is completely dry before touching any cloth.

*Do we need to stress anything more? Why do you want to put something on your skin or body that can actually bleach even clothings?*